Perspective - What does a number mean away? Does it only mean something when we give power to it? Or what if we looked at it like a means to motivate us closer to what we want in our lives?
So, I’m 50.. That’s it?!? Now what…?
I remember when my parents turned 50 - it sounded old and they seemed old – but why was that? We know that people in general are taking longer to grow up and much longer to grow old. While it is really only a number – it is important to acknowledge the different stages and passages that our bodies and minds experience. Sure, I feel different, but not in a negative way, more in the way of knowing myself and what I want to create in my life, and more importantly what/who I stand for?
50 = 5 decades – if we break it down into (5) groups of 10 years there are so many things to digest that I have experienced in my amazing life. We would be here all day philosophizing what worked and where we might seek improvements. My self-imposed 50 days to 50 Challenge was a gift of freedom - freedom to reflect, to try new things, to re-live old patterns, and transcend some of them - all with my dedicated accountability team of women to focus on my short-term goals in 5 key areas: fitness, nutrition, business, organization, and spirituality. I have much to celebrate, whether it be committing to some form of meditation, prayer, or mantra everyday, trying a new fitness routine to re-engage my brain, opening opportunities to build my business, and not being afraid to ask for what I want - or afraid to receive a Yes or a No. For all of this is learning and next steps to opportunities.
There were many Ah-ha moments and self-reflections in these past 50 days too. One of my key learnings (you may remember from my #tidbittuesday) from the experience was, ‘life is a series of transitions and processes in order to make progress.’ For me, it was to focus on the process not the progress, and in doing so, it freed me to feel accomplished – to not be so caught up in the results or perfection.
I mentioned in my most recent #tidbittuesday, the book - NewPassagesby Gail Sheehy. She allows the reader to take a journey through the different life stages from our 20’s to 50’s. I read this book in college and have referenced stages she details throughout the years - my younger self digested the material merely as theoretical, and now, I am seeping into the true experience and gifts of learning at this stage - ah…reflection. Gail Sheehy describes our 50’s as the Flaming Fifties — a chance for a second adulthood. 90% of women polled in her study state they feel more optimistic and that the 50’s are the “Can-Do” stage of life. Thus, I am claiming my 50’s as #FierceAtFifty.
Now is the time I feel the most confident and love/accept myself just as I am. I feel a renewed purpose and passion. My calling is to bring EmpowHer LA forward to all women and girls to instill the utmost confidence in themselves this lifetime.
Many people ask me what empowered me to bring EmpowHer LA to life at 49-50. Here’s my simplified answer… There are four key characteristics - alignment with my values, positive can-do attitude, determination, and resilience. Thank you, and the AMAZING team of women who helped me achieve my #50Days2Fifty goal: Kristine Gardner- Coaching, Lauren Rashap- Nutrition, Jennifer Green- Fitness, Noel Teubner- Fitness, Deanna Meunch- Organization, and so many more!
Join me to have courage this moment and let’s be Fierce at 50 together!!